Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Some Link-Love

It looks like the Union for Hollywood is working on a new website.


Stop by and say hi, I am sure they would appreciate the company.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Gift Wrap

Remember being a kid on your birthday and seeing your present all wrapped up with a big bow on top?

Or all the presents under the Christmas Tree with the ribbons and bows?

Or, maybe more recently in your life, all of your wedding gifts or baby-shower gifts wrapped in the cute papers with the matching bows and matching cards?

The mystery of what is inside that box that rattles so tantalizingly? The wish that you could see through that wrapping paper to try and glean what the box underneath says?

What would you do without gift paper? What would you do without wrapping paper? How much fun would it be if everyone just handed you the box and said Happy Birthday and denied you the excitement of tearing through that gift wrap to see what gift awaited underneath?

Paper has presence.

Paper has meaning.

Paper matters.

Thank you to Hammer, Stitch, Burn for the great image.

Get it? Presence... Presents.... I should probably get out more.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Paper Ephemera

A gentleman by the name of Chuck Whiting runs a blog called Paper Matters where he discusses rare ephemera and out-of-print books. Its a nice blog, you should check it out when you have a minute or two...

The reason I am point out Mr Whiting's blog is specifically because of this image:

A ticket from a 1968 football game at Houston's Astrodome.

With the push to have more of your life 'in the cloud' or otherwise represented by bits and bytes I have to wonder.... what are you going to pin to your bulletin board to remember the things from your past? What are you going to tape into your scrapbook to remind you of the things you forgot?

Having your concert tickets represented as a bar code on your smart phone is neat and being able to check in to your flight the same way can be more than a little handy.

But is it better?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Paper Trail

Sometimes, there’s just no substitute for paper.


Another article from Paper Because that I enjoyed and think you will too....

Two points specifically from the article:

...Indeed, financial institutions have been promoting this service [Paperless Options] not only for its convenience to customers but also as a way for them to help “save trees” and protect the environment by reducing paper use. The latter may be a great selling point, but is it true?

Well, it might be saving tree's but that isn't really their goal. It is saving the company money. But how much of that savings is being passed along to you as the end user/consumer?

And the second point:

...a strategically placed “honey-do list” is a constant and persistent reminder, improving the odds that items will get checked off. In fact, a survey conducted by lifehack.org showed thatnot only do most people use a paper to do list, but that paper is more than twice as popular as any other method listed."
I know my wife uses the 'strategically placed to-do list' all the time. And it is always on paper.